
Tom’s school (180 žod. + užduotis)

Angliškas tekstas skaitymui:

Tom Schuft lives with his parents in Canterbury, near Dover. MrsSchuft, Tom’s mother, is a Biology teacher in Tom’s school. Every day they get up very early and go to school together. Before MrSchuft goes to his office in the city centre, he drives his wife and his son to school. Tom is a pupil in the 6th grade. The name of his school is “Sunshine day”.

Tom likes his school a lot because it is modern, big and comfortable. The teachers are very nice and the atmosphere is great. He studies many subjects and his favorite is English. He loves his English teacher because she is friendly, cheerful and helpful. He also likes to play football and basketball.

In the school, there are two buildings: the main building and the gymnasium. In front of the gymnasium there is a big courtyard with a nice small garden. In the main building, on the left there is the Headmaster’s office and on the right is the school office. There are classrooms downstairs and upstairs. The gymnasium is opposite the main building.

Užduotis 1:

Pagal perskaitytą tekstą pasirinkite teisingus atsakymus prie klausimų.

Tom's mother is a Biology teacher.

There is a small courtyard in front of the gymnasium.

Tom is a pupil in the 5th grade.

In the main building, there is the school office.

Tom's school is old, big and comfortable.

Tom likes to play baseball.

Tom's favorite subject is English.

Tom lives in Dover.

There are two buildings in Tom's school.

Apie autorių

Akvilė Bernotaitė

Akvilė Bernotaitė

Anglų kalba, po gimtosios Lietuvių kalbos mums yra bene svarbiausia. Mes nuolat susiduriame su ja savo kasdieniame gyvenime. Esu už tai, kad Anglų kalbos pamokos pradedantiesiems nemokamai būtų prieinamos internete ir taip paskatintų žmones tobulėti.

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