
This is my house (196 žod. + užduotis)

Angliškas tekstas skaitymui:

Hello! My name is Michael and this is my house.

My house is quite big. It has got two floors – a ground floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement.

On the ground floor there is the hall, the kitchen, a pantry, the living room, a big dining room and a toilet.

On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My bedroom is between my parent’s bedroom and the bathroom. My sister’s bedroom is in front of mine.

I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic I keep some of my books and my old toys. I like to spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where I sometimes take a nap.

In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine and old stuff. At the back of the house there is also the garage, where my parents park the family car, and a lovely garden, with many green spaces, flowers, two swings and a small swimming-pool.

I love my house! It’s very comfortable and cozy.


Pagal perskaitytą tekstą pasirinkite teisingus atsakymus prie klausimų.

In the attic is a small sofa.

On the first floor there are two bedrooms and one bathroom.

In the basement is the drying machine.

On the ground floor there is the hall, a pantry and the kitchen.

Michael house is very big.

Michael's room is between his parent's bedroom and his sister's bedroom

Michael house has got a basement.

At the back of the house there is the garage.

In front of the house there is a lovely garden.

Michael loves his bedroom.

Apie autorių

Akvilė Bernotaitė

Akvilė Bernotaitė

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