
My name is Ben (164 žod. + užduotis)

Angliškas tekstas skaitymui:

My name is Ben and I come from Australia. I am 24 years old and I live in a small town near Sydney called Branton.

I don’t have a job now, but normally I clean shop windows. I am not married but I live with my very beautiful girlfriend, Maria, in a nice house in Branton. We don’t have any children – maybe next year.

My girlfriend is an actress, but she isn’t very famous. She acts in a small theater in our town. At the weekend, we like to go swimming in a big lake near our house.

I normally get up at eight o’clock, but on Thursday I get up at six o’clock because that is the day when I go running in the park.

I like living in Branton because it’s not too big. There are some historical buildings in the center of the town and near Branton, there is a river where I go fishing sometimes when I want to relax.


Pagal perskaitytą tekstą pasirinkite teisingus atsakymus prie klausimų.

Ben isn't married.

Ben's girlfriend works in a local theater.

Ben thinks that Branton is too small.

Ben gets up early once a week to do some sport.

Ben goes swimming in a river near Branton.

Ben comes from Australia but lives in America.

Ben has a job as a window cleaner.

Ben and Maria are having a baby next year.

Apie autorių

Akvilė Bernotaitė

Akvilė Bernotaitė

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